To manage project risks, especially for those which are performed in difficult or
challenging areas, FMC Est has a wealth of specialist resources. A combination of
professional capabilities and specialised equipment means that we can readily support
projects in areas of seismic activity, or where site access is difficult. We frequently work
in climatic extremes, areas of environmental sensitivity or urban or industrial complexity
and in challenging conditions (remote, soft, marshy, over-water, hazardous).
Whether your work scope includes Geo Technical Investigation , site exploration, Material
testing or Inspection Serivces , we provide sound solutions.
Our extensive fleet of drilling and support equipment enables us to provide a
comprehensive range of field services which include:
1. rilling, coring and sampling of soils and rock
2. In situ testing:
-Borehole logging
-Dynamic and Static Plate Load Test
-Infiltration Test
-Constant Head Permeability Test


Drilling Boreholes

At FMC Est we have a wide range of drilling rigs and continually trying
to provide the most appropriate drilling technique to suit the
environmental conditins and objectives of a particular project
through varies drilling techniques such as:
-Open Hole Drilling
-Auger Drilling
-Borehole Testing

Drilling Services

Efficient geotechnical laboratory analysis is key to providing timely data. By
operating our own in-house laboratories FMC Est has full control over the
scheduling of such laboratory testing. FMC Est can utilise main laboratory
network to avoid any schedule delays or to accomodate any additional testing
that may be required after acquisition of the samples. If required we can
undertake the full range of advanced laboratory testing that may be required .
All samples are subsequently transported to our accredited laboratory in Dharan
for detailed logging and additional testing. Representative samples are generally
selected as per project requirments, for laboratory testing to assist with sample
descriptions and determination of engineering material properties.
FMC Est main laboratory in Dharan by ISO 17025 and the laboratory management
system is under certification by following the given standards:
-British Standard 1377:1990;
-ISO 17025:2017
-ASTM Standards
Test Types:
-Extrusion and Preparation Of Up to 6-inch diameter undisturbed samples
-Classification tests including visual classification and Soil/Rock type
analysis, water content, Atterberg limits, Specifoc Gravity and Density.
-Static testing- triaxial stress path, ring shear, constant rate of
strain consolidation
-Sieves mechanical grain size and hydrometer analysis
-Determination of the California Bearing Ration (CBR)
-Environmental, Chemical analysis for soil and rock samples
